Do you think the rise of the Tea Party has been beneficial for the Republican Party?

What differentiates someone that is intrinsically motivated from someone that is extrinsically motivated?
April 12, 2021
Mental Health
April 12, 2021

Do you think the rise of the Tea Party has been beneficial for the Republican Party?

  • What is the Tea Party? When were they created? What policy positions do they advocate?
  • Do you think the rise of the Tea Party has been beneficial for the Republican Party? Why or why not?
  • If you were advising the Tea Party on how to maximize its power and influence, would you tell Tea Party members to stay with the Republican Party or launch their own?
  • As an independent party could the Tea Party be competitive in a state like Texas? Why or why not?
  • Do you think that there should be more than two competitive political parties in the United States? Why or why not?
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