Case Study 3
August 15, 2021
Basics of Workers’ Compensation & Claims
August 15, 2021


Part1Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:What are the various types of consent? Describe the importance of each and give an example of each type.Do you have any experience with these you would like to share?Part2Responses:Response 1:Hello class the various types of consents In health care can be decision making, disclosure, documentation of consent and competency. Making a decision is one of the most important types of consents in healthcare. Decision making is understanding the options and giving rational reason of choosing an option over another. Adequate information is given from doctor in order to make an informed decision which is referred to as disclosure for treatment and testing from the doctor. Written consent and a verbal explanation is given in the form of the patients native language for many invasive tests or for treatments with significant risks and is considered documentation of consent and competency. This relates to the consent I had to give to doctors when I gave birth to my daughter in a way. Because the birth was an emergency c-section, I had to give many consents for them to perform different procedures to prepare for her arrival and also for my treatment after the birth as well. Since an emergency c-section wasn’t planned I had to give my consent for so many things.Response 2:When it comes to the various types of consent, there are 2 types: implied consent and express consent. The difference, in my opinion, is very simple. Express consent is where a patient either expresses their consent, either verbally or in writing, to a procedure – basically they say yes and you provide the service. An example of this might be a document signed by the patient or their caretaker that states that they are willing to undergo the procedure before it is done. Implied consent is a bit more abstract but easy to understand. For example, if a patient makes an appointment to get their COVID vaccination, shows up to the appointment, and rolls up their sleeve to receive the vaccination, it is implied that the patient understands the risks that go along with it and is still saying it is okay to go ahead and get the shot. That is the easiest way to understand implied consent because it is not something that is verbally agreed upon. Rather, it is common knowledge between patient and health care professional that it is okay.

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