April 6, 2021
April 6, 2021


im not sure if this is a discussion

Hope the post-Spring Break finds you well. I posted the slides for Chapter 16. Module II only contains two chapters (16/17). There will be one Online Discussion for both chapters next week. The discussion will take a different turn. Think in terms of journalism, and how would you describe events from the chapters. Chapter 16 is a bit radical in terms of where history is going across the globe. Moreover, are any of the themes and ideas still relevant and with us today?

We are turning our attention to Chapter 17 this week. For a conversation starter before our Online Discussion on Friday, what primary source document would you use to describe some of the radical visions of the 19th? Who’s writings/ideas/ and corpus of work would you use as an example. Please feel free to share what primary source you would use, who wrote it, and maybe a few sentences about it. You could briefly explain why this person’s writings/ideas was so transformational during the time period. PLease submit your responses by Wed (11:00PM).

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