May 18, 2021
May 18, 2021


create your ideal/fantasy preschool in some detail. Money is no object because you have been left an unlimited budget by an unknown donor. Lucky you! Additionally safety and cleanliness are not issues either since your preschool will be state of the art and have all the safety issues covered. There are security cameras, self locking doors with security codes, and two way mirrors for observations. The parents have access to video monitoring so they can observe their children throughout the day and they are able to communicate with them using the computers at your facility and the iPhones you provided when they enrolled in the school…now let your imagination go and dream big, think outside the book and remember your budget has no limits. More is not always better there is a balance. Inspire your students, expose them to many different types of learning experiences. Have fun!

I want you to design the preschool of your dreams, the one you would create if money were no object..think location, size, themed rooms…

To receive any credit for this prompt your preschool must be creative and show that you have thought about how you would use the money you have been given to make your school unique and special. What would make your school so special that students would be excited to be there, what would make parents happy to have you as their child’s teacher? What is it that will set your school apart from all the other schools out there?

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