Design a Proposal for a Career Development Workshop

“Brainology” Reading and Annotation
May 4, 2021
Purpose In this discussion
May 4, 2021

Design a Proposal for a Career Development Workshop

Design a Proposal for a Career Development Workshop – Each student will submit a 3-4 page paper that describes a proposal for a career development workshop that would last for an estimated 30-45 minutes if you were to implement and utilizes a career development theory in one of the following four settings:

  • School Setting
  • Corporate Setting
  • Higher Education Setting
  • Community Setting

The workshop should be designed to meet the needs of the specific population. A career development theory should be used to guide the development, objectives, and activities utilized in the proposed workshop.Examples (and possible ideas) include:

  • School Setting
    • Using Holland codes to teach high school students to identify possible career interest
    • Workshop for parents of elementary students to understand the career development needs of their students and how to address those needs
  • Corporate Setting
    • Using Myers-Briggs theory in facilitating team building training to coworkers
    • Helping managers gain insight into employee motivation through the use of Brown’s Values-Based theory or Work Adjustment Theory
  • Higher Education Setting
    • Resume/cover letter writing workshop for graduating seniors
    • Using career decision-making theory to help undecided students select a major
  • Community Setting
    • Workshop geared toward disabled veterans seeking careers guided by social learning theory principles
    • Utilizing work adjustment theory in assisting recently downsized individuals to reenter the workforce.

Please note: You are not teaching the theory to the proposed group, but utilizing your chosen theory to design and implement a workshop for your setting.Your choice of theory should be evident in your proposed workshop.Please describe the types of technology you would use in delivery of your intended workshop and provide some examples of power point slides you would use in the proposed workshop.

The paper will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • How is the proposed workshop organized?
  • How do you intend to administer and implement the intended workshop, and how would you evaluate the effectiveness of the intended workshop?
  • Does the topic and content fit with the intended audience?
  • Has the proposed workshop used principles of a career theory?
  • Did the proposed workshop identify appropriate use of technology resources, including illustrations of power point slides?
  • What career, avocational, educational, occupational and labor market information, resources, and career information systems were useful to this project?
  • Was the paper written without grammatical and punctuation errors?
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