March 16, 2021
March 16, 2021


Please do not plagerize. They have sources to check. If you use any text from a source please use citations within the text and list ALL sources.


Distinguish operational practices that will create an exceptional customer experience.


As you continue in the Emerging Leaders onboarding learning and development program for the second quarter, you have experienced a few successes and now some wins. During this onboarding-program you have continued to participate in assessments and have now completed a leadership development and a strategic plan outline. Now let us continue to move forward in the onboarding program where you are now being asked to develop a customer service plan outline to help you to demonstrate your ability to distinguish operational practices that will create an exceptional customer experience.

  • For this customer service plan, establish an outline to distinguish operational practices that will create an exceptional customer experience program by addressing and answering the following questions:
    • What is an exceptional customer experience? Explain how you as an Emerging Leader will you define an exceptional customer experience for your organizational customers.
    • What steps should team members take to create an exceptional customer experience? Explain how you as an Emerging Leader will develop your team members to implement these steps.
    • What metrics will you use to measure the effectiveness of an organizational exceptional customer experience program? Explain how you as an Emerging Leader will use these outcomes to sustain and maintain an organizational exceptional customer experience program.

Clearly distinguish operational practices that will create an exceptional customer experience

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