how do the theory explain the crime and offender? What are the limitations? How do the theory help explain the crime from a critical perspective?
April 9, 2021
Group Therapy Effectiveness Online
April 9, 2021

Cultural Baggage Paper

Write a 2 page paper, typed, and double-spaced in which you discuss your personal journey using the guidelines below.

Use anecdotes, provide examples, and most importantly, MAKE IT PERSONAL!

a.Consider your racial/ethnic heritage; reflect upon your known and unknown ancestry (roots). Also indicate the accompanying attitudes and feelings of significant others in your life toward culturally different groups.

b.Review your personal and family values. Give examples of how your values are expressed in your everyday life (e.g., family, work, relationships, etc.).

c.Identify your own cultural group (as distinguished by language, music, food, religion, region, dress, education, socio-economic class, sexuality, gender, etc.). How has your racial/ethnic/cultural identity affected the way you interact with others, and the way others interact with you?

d. Discuss any cultural conflicts you have experienced directly or vicariously, e.g., cultural adjustment, values conflict, general confusion, delights …!

if you got and question abut me before you start am ready

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