The Ingrate by Paul Laurence Dunbar Fiction Essay
June 14, 2021
Formal Essay
June 14, 2021


Individual Portion

  • Search the library and the Internet and research a problem solving court (i.e. drug court, veterans court, teen court, re-entry court or homeless court)
  • Each team member will address the following in 250-500 words individually:
    • Generally speaking, what are some of the criminological theories that serve as a foundation for these specialty courts? Explain.
    • You have been tasked to create a new problem solving court that addresses a special type of offender. Discuss the components of the court and its approach to dealing with these special offenders based upon criminological thought.
    • Remember to post your submission as soon as possible in order to allow enough time to complete the Group Portion of the project.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
  • What will be the most challenging element of cognitive restructuring in this case? Explain. In a 3 point slide show from this paper made seperatly.
  • While reviewing problem solving courts, I have found that their foundation is to develop programs that could help criminals find the root of their problem and plan to rehabilitate themselves. Each court has their own techniques in providing help to criminals. These courts usually focus on certain components with the first being 1) a nonadversarial judicial process where the offender confesses to the crime, 2) immediate intervention that focuses on outcomes, 3) intensive interaction between the judge and the offender, 4) an interdisciplinary team approach that might include psychological and social workers who will coordinate services for the offender, and 5) a set of clearly defined rules and goals. The ultimate goal is to keep them from being incarcerated. Teen Court was my favorite to read about. They try to help teens to assume responsibility for their behavior by using the five components above in a specific problem solving court depending on the area of the offender’s crime. Within Teen Court, Bully Court could be set up to only deal with offenders who have committed a crime that involves the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of bullying. Bully Court would be a type of problem solving court that deals with bullies and why they resort to aggressive behavior towards others. Two different criminological theories that would serve as a foundation of Bully Court would be the Psychological Theory and the Sociological Theory. After the defendant confesses to the crime and goes before the judge, an immediate intervention would be set up that would include various members of a team that would select services and define rules that need to be followed and to set specific goals that must be attained. This might include sending the defendant to counseling, group therapy, and/or anger management classes. Then, the offender would need to undergo certain testing. This would include psychological testing to look for a personality disorder, an emotional maladjustment, and/or a particular psychological trait that attributes to the bullying. It could also be necessary to have social psychological testing to look for certain behavior issues, lack of self-discipline, and cognitive issues in a group setting. After meeting with the judge in the Bully Court and testing is complete, an interdisciplinary team will be set up to provide services. A plan will then be put in place that sets up the goals the defendant must meet and the rules that the defendant must follow. The goals could include things like doing community service, group meetings with a counselor and other bullies, listening and viewing to victim statements, or other methods of trying to atone for their crime because they need to make amends and continue to prove that this type of intervention has helped them to become a better member of society and somehow proven that the journey that led them down the path to committing a crime of physical, mental, and emotional abuse to others will be from this day forward altered.
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