
Help needed from geniusy_2006 only Week 3 assignment
February 27, 2021
The problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need that will be the focus of the project
February 27, 2021


Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) I uploaded the file this assignment will be on

Use Microsoft® Project to list the components and breakdown of the project’s WBS (i.e. project phases, grouping of tasks, resource assignments, etc.).

The work breakdown structure (WBS) is the result of a clearly defined scope document, and is a detailed picture of all the work that must be done to deliver this project. This part of the plan aligns each package of related work items to the necessary time, financial, and human resources needed. This is usually a hierarchical diagram formatted into Microsoft® Project because this application allows time and resources to be linked to the accomplishment of certain tasks. As part of the WBS

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