Create a C++ a program for Best Fence and Landscaping Company. The company needs an application that the salespeople can…

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Create a C++ a program for Best Fence and Landscaping Company. The company needs an application that the salespeople can…

Create a C++ a program for Best Fence and Landscaping Company. The company needs an application that the salespeople can use to estimate the cost of laying sod and the cost of installing a fence for a rectangular lots. These options require to be able to find the area of rectangle on which sod is to be laid , and the perimeter of a rectangular lot.

To implement the application – create a Rectangle class that contains the proper attributes and behaviors of rectangle , and then use it create rectangle objects to facilitate the business tasks. The attributes should be implemented as private data members, with proper access methods. Behaviors should, as minimum, include calculating and returning the area, calculating and returning the perimeter. Include the proper constructor(s) to initialize data members. Include validation to ensure that the data values passed to Rectangle attributes cannot be negative.

Write the driver class for the application which allows a user to enter rectangle dimensions in feet, sod price per square foot, and fence cost per yard. Create two Rectangle class objects allowing a sod covered area to be different from the fence enclosure area. Calculate the cost of sod part of the job, fence part of the job and total cost estimate to be presented to a client.

Display the input data, with proper labels, the costs of sod and fence jobs separately, total cost of the job. Accept a user data as an input, the date of estimate, and generate the proper invoice for a user, including sod covered area in square yards, fence length in yards, pretax and after tax costs of the work.

Bonus : use arrays to generate and present several options to user, which will differ in areas of sod coverage and fence enclose.


                        1. Source code files for the project (header, implementation, test program)

                         2. Well-written word document describing: 

                                                       2.1. Your overall design

                                                         2.2 Your test plan, including test data and results

                                                       2.3   Your approach, lessons learned, design strengths specifically

                                                    comparing the benefits of this final version with the earlier versions, limitations and suggestions for future improvement and alternative   approaches.

                             3.    UML class diagram illustrating the structure of this program.

Documentation format and length:

produce a short document (3 to 5  pages long) explaining design and testing of your program. The document should comply to the professional APA style.

Code format:

—Header comment block,

—Appropriate comments within the code,


—Appropriate variable and function names, and  correct indentation.

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