Film Critique
June 5, 2021
June 6, 2021


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Post 1: A time when I experienced a communication break down was with a family member. She wanted me to do things a certain way and I wanted to do things my way. The style of communication she used was passive aggressive, which according to our text book is an agressive message presented in a passive way. It generally involves limited verbal exchange (often with incongruent nonverbal behavior) by a person who feels strongly about a situation. This person feigns withdrawal in an effort to manipulate the situation. Overtime, this type of behavior damages relationships and undercuts mutual respect (Marquis, Huston, 2015). Differences in values may have impacted the communication process because she believed I needed to act a certain way and I believed I was right in my actions. In an effort to improve our communication, I brought up how I felt. This effort was not effective so I decided never to speak to her again. Some strategies that would be more effective would be to go to family therapy together or have a family discussion about her passive aggressive behavior.

An example I have seen of effective nursing delegation was when my mom had to go to the emergency room for severe gallbladder pain, the nurse that was trying to start an IV and having trouble with it, delegated the task to her charge nurse and moved on to a different task. According to the textbook, this nurse used the principles of the five rights of delegation which is she made sure it was the right task, right circumstance, she asked the right person, she gave the right communication, and she had the right level of supervision (Marquis, Huston, 2015).

Marquis, B.L., Huston C.J. 2015. Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and Application

9th edition. Wolters Kluwer.

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