Can someone help me with answering several questions, please. :(

May 23, 2021
Born or Made That Way? Jason Case Study
May 23, 2021

Can someone help me with answering several questions, please. :(

(My topic is, “Why do more men commit crimes than women?”)

Be sure to respond to each question in 2-3 complete sentences.

1.)Now type keywords about your topic into an Internet search engine, such as Google. Spend some time looking through the results. Jot down the titles and hyperlinks of a few of the most interesting articles and websites that come up in your search. Write down at least four articles and the corresponding hyperlinks for each.

1.)Gender and crime. Retrieved from,…

2.)Are men inherently more criminal than women? Retrieved from,…

3.)Why are men more likely to be violent than women? Retrieved from,…

4.)Are Men More Likely than Women To Commit Scientific Misconduct? Maybe, Maybe Not; Retrieved from

2.)What are you finding? What new information have you learned about this issue? What new questions or thoughts do you have now that you have done some preliminary research?

3.)Can you narrow your focus at all? If so, what do you wish to focus on? If you have a few options, what are they? (You don’t necessarily need to narrow your focus.)

4.)Based on the broad search, refine the list of keywords that you created on the previous page. List here any keywords or keyword combinations that returned results that are relevant to your social science issue. Then, note which keywords or combinations you will no longer use, as they returned off-topic or overly broad results.

5.) What professional organizations (other than social science organizations) might have relevant information about your issue? For example, someone researching war might utilize information provided by the United States Department of Defense. Find 1–2 organizations, and note them here.

6.)Now select one of the digital libraries or organizations mentioned in this learning block (Shapiro Library, Google Scholar, etc.), and plug your keywords into that site. What credible sources come up in your search? Repeat this step with at least one more digital library/organization. Type the titles of 6–8 of the most relevant results along with the corresponding hyperlinks so you can locate these resources later. Note which digital library/organization you used to find each study.

7.)Look for information on the websites of professional organizations that are related to your social science issue. Collect any information, links, articles, reports, or other resources that are relevant to your issue; capture this additional information in the textbox. Again, be sure to include links to your resources so you can easily locate them later.

8.)Begin by noting the title of the resource and including a link to it. Is this source current? Note the publication date or a date indicating when the content was last updated.

9.)Is this source relevant? Note the portion of the text that you believe clearly relates to your research question. Consider whether this source provides an overview of the issue you are interested in, or whether it makes some specific important point.

10.) Is this source accurate? Note whether the source has been published in a peer-reviewed journal or credible organization, and the organization’s name. Note whether the source includes a list of references and citations. Give your opinion on the source’s presentation—is it clear, organized, professional, and

11.)Is this source authoritative? Note the author’s credentials. If no author is given, note whether the publishing organization is credible, and the organization’s name again.

12.) Are there any red flags that make you concerned that this source may not be scholarly? For example, are there any clearly biased passages? Are the references all very old? Are there many spelling and grammatical errors? Note any and all concerns you may have.

13.)What are some potential applications for this research in the real world? In other words, what are some ways that this research could be used?

14.) You identified possible applications of your research. Research whether anyone has investigated or created those applications? Note your findings here.

15.)After reviewing your initial list of questions, are there any that you have yet to answer by searching credible sites and gathering C.R.A.A.P.O.-approved sources along the way? Make a note of those questions here, as well as your plan for answering them?

16.) (This question needs to address all 4 questions). Describe at least three social science resources that you could use to investigate the issue you selected. Your sources must be relevant to your issue and must be of an academic nature appropriate for the issue. In your description, consider questions such as these: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources? What makes them appropriate and relevant for investigating your issue? What was your thought process when you were searching for sources? How did you make choices?

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