Can anyone help with this 300 words assignment?

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May 27, 2021
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May 27, 2021

Can anyone help with this 300 words assignment?

To receive credit for this discussion, post a 250-word-ish response to the following prompt by Monday, March 26th.

Your assignment for this week is to see F.W. Murnau’s classic Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans. As you’ll see, the film is about the threat posed to a farmer and his wife by the arrival of a woman from the city. And while the majority of the film deals with the farmer and his wife’s reconciliation, the film also has a lot to say about cities, urban space, and the kinds of people who populate developed areas. Using one or more scenes, use specific details to articulate the film’s attitude/position toward the city (you might also compare the city’s depiction to that of the country).

Make sure you use good language and grammar, do not exceed 300 words please.

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