Bringing Everything Together

essay of reaction/summary of An Inconvenient Truth, the film by Al Gore. 250 words
March 14, 2021
March 14, 2021

Bringing Everything Together

Topic: Impacts Of Television On Early Childhood Development (200 wrds)


Throughout this course, peers and the instructor have provided feedback on your topic ideas and argument for change. As you prepare your Final Project, take time to reflect on all of that feedback and how it will guide your development of the Final Project. Also consider how your own ideas have morphed as you brainstormed, researched, outlined, and created a digital media project. Finally, think back to the Reading and how they impacted your approach to writing. With those experiences in mind, respond to the following prompts:


How have your ideas about your topic changed as you brainstormed, researched, outlined, and created a digital media project on your argument?


What feedback will influence your development of your topic?



Which revision methods will you practice as you finalize your argument for change on your topic?

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