
Discuss your dissection of the sheep heart and the cardiovascular system of the fetal pig Anatomy psychology homework help
April 15, 2021
April 15, 2021


Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) may be a vital component of intervention for individuals with speech and language impairments. AAC is used to assist with daily communication, and can even help to develop and facilitate the return of speech and language. Chapter 13 of Introduction to Communication Disorders reviews various methods utilized by speech and language professionals to assist individuals with communication difficulties. What are the major factors involved in evidence-based practice in determining the appropriate intervention with augmentative and alternative communication? How do augmentative communication and alternative communication needs change throughout the lifespan? Might communicating using A.A.C. evoke feelings of not fitting in at various stages of development, from childhood to teenage years to adulthood? What strategies or resources might be offered to overcome the challenges associated with using A.A.C.?

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