Assignment: Immersion Project—Dialogue Plan

Warehouse Manager
August 10, 2021
Case Application 2 Underwater Chaos
August 10, 2021

Assignment: Immersion Project—Dialogue Plan

you will create a plan to conduct a virtual or face-to-face dialogue for your Immersion Project. You will need to gather information about the lived experience of a person from the culture you selected. This is called a dialogue (not an interview) because it is not simply a one-sided gathering of information. The dialogue should be a two-sided conversation that results in the exchange of information about cultural experience. This dialogue can happen virtually or in person. It can also happen over time or in a one-time sitting.Address How do you plan on conducting the dialogue, over multiple sessions or in a one-time sitting?When do you expect to complete the dialogue?How does the person you intend to have the dialogue with fit the characteristics of the culture you are studying?Culture: South Korea

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