ASSIGNMENT 2: Industrialization and The ModernState- THE CREATION OF A REGULATED ECONOMY

April 25, 2021
April 25, 2021

ASSIGNMENT 2: Industrialization and The ModernState- THE CREATION OF A REGULATED ECONOMY

The United States went through dramatic economic change during and after the Civil War, as industrialization spread rapidly and changed society. This transformation and some of the apparent abuses that developed led to an increased role of the government in regulating businesses and society. This role was heightened as government was viewed as the arbiter between business and organized labor. One can explore these developments from 1865 on through to World War II. Take one of the positions as suggested below, draw from the sources listed, and present a paper with specific examples and arguments to demonstrate the validity of your position.

Possible position—in each case you can take the pro or con position:

  1. From the Progressive era through the New Deal period, political interventions generally tended to favor big corporations and hurt the common workers, leading to economic instability. (or you can argue that they helped the workers and promoted economic stability)
  2. From 1865 to 1940, the development of labor unions was generally a negative force leading to economic disruption and unnecessary laws that stifled businesses and hindered job growth. (or you can take the position that labor unions had a necessary function and generally positive impact)
  3. From 1865 to 1940, expansion west was devastating to Native American culture, but government policies promoted economic growth in these territories and generally equal opportunities to the settlers. (or you can take the position that government policies did not promote those benefits in those new areas)

After giving general consideration to your readings so far and any general research, select one of the positions above as your position—your thesis. (Sometimes after doing more thorough research, you might choose the reverse position. This happens with critical thinking and inquiry. Your final paper might end up taking a different position than you originally envisioned.) Organize your paper as follows, handling these issues:

  1. The position you choose (from the list above)—or something close to it—will be the thesis statement in your opening paragraph.
  2. To support your position, use four specific examples from different decades between 1865 and 1940.
  3. Explain why the opposing view is weak in comparison to yours.
  4. Consider your life today: In what way does the history you have shown shape or impact issues in your workplace or desired profession?

 Some sources are “primary” sources from the time period being studied. Some sources below can be accessed via direct link or through the primary sources link on Blackboard. Each week has a different list of primary sources. For others, they are accessible through the Library tab to the left of the screen in Blackboard—once in there, you may do a “key word” search of the article title.

  • APA Reference for the textbook – Schultz, Kevin M. (2018). HIST5: Volume 2: U.S. History Since 1865 (Student edition). Boston: Cengage.
  • Del Mar, D. P. (1998). Region and nation: New studies in Western U.S. history. Canadian Review of American Studies, 28(1), 121-128.
  • Gompers, S. (1914).  The American Labor Movement:  Its makeup, achievements, and aspirations.  Retrieved from:…
  • Harjo, S. S. (1996, summer). Now and then: Native peoples in the United States. Dissent (00123846), 4358-4360. 
  • Jackson, Helen Hunt. (1881). Helen Hunt Jackson’s account of Sand Creek. Retrieved from…  
  • Jacoby, S. M. (1983, Oct.). Union Management cooperation in the United States: Lessons from the 1920s. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 37(1), 18-33. 
  • La Follette, R. (1924). La Follette’s Progressive Platform. Retrieved from…  
  • Leonard, T. C. (2009, Spring). American economic reform in the Progressive Era: Its foundational beliefs and their relation to Eugenics. History of Political Economy, 41(1), 109-141. 
  • Lloyd, H. D. (1884, June). The Lords of Industry. North American Review, 331. Modern History  Sourcebook. Retrieved from…  
  • Rauchway, E. (2008). The Great Depression and the New Deal: A very short introduction. eBook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 
  • Schultz, Kevin M. (2014) HIST: Volume 2:U.S. history since 1865 (3rd ed.). University of Illinois at Chicago: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.  
  • Steffens, L. (1904). The Shame of the Cities. Retrieved from…  
  • Taylor, F. W. (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management. Retrieved from…  
  • Whitaker, J. (1871). The Impact of the Factory on worker health. Retrieved from
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