The Old Testament (Bible)
April 16, 2021
April 16, 2021

Arts History question


Check the syllabus for the required number of posts per Unit. To achieve full credit, write in complete sentences, use correct spelling (your composition window contains a spell check function), and use words like “because” and “for example” as you provide clear reasoning and specific textual support in expressing your point of view. Relate your ideas or opinions to artworks you have studied. Some students add links to related sites or images that they think are relevant. If you reference an outside source be sure to cite it correctly (do not plagiarize).

questions: (small paragraphs for the chosen question)

1) choose between this 2 options.

Use of Color

The Fauves and the Expressionists both use color dramatically. How does the tone or mood of the works differ between the two groups? Use specific examples to illustrate your point.


Women and Expressionism
What role do you think women play in the world of Expressionism either in terms of artists in their own right or as subject matter?

2) choose between this 2 options.

Art and Music
Kandinsky, like Whistler before him, made an analogy between abstract painting and modern music. Do you think a strong relationship exists between modern music and painting? What sort of relationship did Kandinsky have with the composer Arnold Schoenberg?
German Art
In the United States we tend to place a greater emphasis on French art and view Paris as the center of the art world from the late 19th century into the first part of the 20th century. Do you think the developments in Germany are equally important and, if so, why is German art not held in such high regard?

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