
How is this different from external and internal validity?
March 17, 2021
March 17, 2021


*** This is one assignment – – all details relating to the assignment are attached. ***

MGT-452-Managerial Communication

Week 4 – Applying Strategic Communication Tactics

Write a paper of approximately 800 words that will include three separate writing projects as detailed below. These should be prepared in one (1) Word document.

  • Project 1:

Revise the sample email to Martha Reeves in the Chapter 6 Application (1) (below) and make the changes as noted in the instructions. Consider how Ms. Reeves may interpret your letter as you create the proper tone and include the applicable information.

  • Project 2: Write two elements:

Create the “bad news letter” as described in Chapter 6 Application (2) (below). Also write a brief (100 word) explanation of why you selected the content and tone of your letter. Be sure to showcase your skills in applying what we have learned so far in using the strategic communication model.

  • Project 3:

Apply your understanding of DISC and write four versions of your responses along with a brief explanation: You will complete Chapter 6 Application (3) (below), but in a modified fashion. You will prepare four different persuasive forms of communication to your boss with each one assuming that your boss is either a D, I, S, or C personality type based on our DISC assessment formula. Depending upon the personality type, select the appropriate channel and context for your approach. If your best approach is face-to-face, then explain your considerations of place, time, talking points, body language, etc., for your face-to-face meeting. If your best approach is written, please include all necessary elements such as lists or charts. With each of the four approaches, please briefly explain your strategic considerations for communicating with a D, I. S, and C.

NOTE: You still have access to all DISC supporting materials on the assessment website (link on the homepage). (Attached is my DISC Assessment as well as the overview of the other behavioral styles)

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