April 30, 2021
April 30, 2021

Anyone want homework

The case of Kirk study is attached

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the course material to a client scenario. Course material includes the short- and long-term effects of experiencing a potentially traumatic event, theories regarding the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the goals and appropriate treatment of a client.

Download and read the scenario.


Choose one theory related to the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (e.g., information processing theory, Judith Herman’s theory, social learning theory, or trauma accommodation syndrome) and one evidence-based treatment that has been shown to be effective (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy [CBT], trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy [TF-CBT], or cognitive processing theory) for the client’s symptom picture or disorder.

Expand on the client scenario by utilizing the information you have gained in the course in order to present a more thorough client description. Make sure that the information you add is consistent with the given scenario.

In a 10- to 12-page paper, address the following:

  • Identifying Information: Note the client’s age, gender, relationship status, family constellation, and current life situation.
  • Presenting Complaints: List current symptoms, anxieties, moods, and difficulties in personal or occupational roles.
  • Behavioral Observations: Write a thorough mental status examination. Examples include, but are not limited to, descriptions of the client’s physical appearance and any salient mannerisms, as well as any significant interactions with the interviewer. Include risk assessment for homicidal and suicidal ideations, along with hallucinations and delusions.
  • Precipitating Factors and History of the Problem: Describe the events or life changes that accompanied the appearance of psychological distress. Explain the development and course of the problems since the client first noticed the symptoms. Specify previous efforts at resolving the problem (i.e., prior counseling or self-help groups) and outcomes of those efforts. Include cognitive, affective, and interpersonal reactions to precipitants of distress.
  • Developmental and Historical Information: Write this section chronologically, beginning at birth. Describe any significant family, school, and peer relationships, including the family of origin. Describe the quality of the relationships with important figures at critical times in childhood and adolescence. Developmental, cognitive, affective, and medical variables should be detailed. Major losses, changes, and traumas within the family history should be specified, along with any interactional consequences of behavior within the family. Discern patterns in the client’s functioning and relating, which may be linked to experiences within his family of origin and current relationships. Include the client’s strengths and resiliency factors.
  • Social and Cultural Information: Describe the client’s social, ethnic, racial, cultural, gender, sexual, and economic factors that impact psychological functioning. Specifically discuss how the client’s cultural variables influence his view of the world, the development of the presenting problem, and the client’s mental health.
  • Differential Diagnoses: Describe the differential diagnoses in detail, including any related diagnoses that were considered and ruled out, and give reasons for all decisions. Cite any references, including the current DSM. Summarize any diagnostic assessments or previous mental health treatments (e.g., inpatient and outpatient) that support the diagnostic findings, including the relevant assessments associated with the current DSM. The differential diagnoses section must be written in a format consistent with the current DSM guidelines.
  • Theoretical Orientation: Describe the theoretical orientation you have chosen to analyze this case. The orientation chosen should be one of the orientations covered in the course material. Provide a rationale for the orientation chosen on the basis of the client’s problem, clinical presentation, or diagnoses and presenting issues.
  • Case Formulation: Use the theoretical orientation to provide a concise summation of the client’s psychological strengths and difficulties. Explain how the client developed the problems identified according to your theoretical orientation. Integrate your patient’s history with the theoretical orientation you have selected to support your explanation.
  • Treatment or Intervention Plan and Recommendations: Ensure the treatment or intervention plan is an application of the case formulation. Discuss the specific techniques utilized with the client.
  • Ethical Considerations: Be certain to include a minimum of one paragraph about ethical considerations, such as transference and countertransference and counselor self-care, which can arise when working with this client.

Your final paper should utilize a minimum of seven scholarly references. Your paper should be written in a clear, concise, and organized manner following the headings identified above. Demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation; and include a references page. You should follow the current APA guidelines for formatting (e.g., margins, page numbers and headers, abstract, text and references, 12-point Times Roman font, double-spacing, and unbiased language).

Cited work should be synthesized and derived from primary sources; therefore, only minimal direct quotes are allowed for this assignment.

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