7 pages of political science analysis paper

Essay (Conflict Resolution)
July 2, 2021
These Propositions In Order To Engage In A Debate With Fellow Theologians
July 2, 2021

7 pages of political science analysis paper

You should NOT use outside sources.

You’d use ONLY lecture notes I’d attach later on, or textbook I’d give you the pdf later on.

Please use in-text citations for the lectures, with different dates as relevant. The paper should include citations as needed, but most of your sentences should be your own arguments. If there are a few sentences in a row that are paraphrasing lecture notes, you can just put the cite after the final sentence. e.g. (Lecture, date)

You do not need to turn in a works cited page; in-text citations are fine.

Choose one of three Topics listed below:

You should prepare an essay on ONLY ONE of the following questions:

  1. Explain the significance of religion for EITHER law OR economic behavior [TITLE = “Religion and Law” or “Religion and Economic Behavior”, SOURCE = lectures]
  2. Explain the balance of power and subordination models [TITLE = “Balance of Power”, SOURCE = lectures + Otoxby et al.]
  3. Explain the role of faith in war [TITLE = “Faith in War”, SOURCE = lectures]

The instructions are the following:

  • 6-7 pages in length
  • 12pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced, 1-in margins
  • Include page numbers
  • Include a title on the first page of the paper (see topic-specific titles above)
  • Cite only the lectures and course readings
  • Use in-text citations [e.g., “(Lecture, date)”, or (Otoxby et al., p. x)”] whenever you reference words/ideas from the course materials!
  • Direct quotes must be in quotation marks (“”) even if you include a citation, otherwise this is plagiarism and will result in a low or failing grade—where possible, you should be paraphrasing in your own words rather than using lots of quotations
  • No works-cited page is necessary (unless you are citing something not from the course, which you shouldn’t be doing anyway 🙂

I’d attach lecture notes as soon as this session’s started.

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