400 words does not require any outside work

Intelligence Testing Article Analysis
June 27, 2021
Mill’s Principle of Utility
June 27, 2021

400 words does not require any outside work

This discussion does not require any outside work, as it is more reflective in nature.

1. What are your concerns or fears about working with individuals with co-

occurring disorders? What are the positive aspects of working with individuals

with co-occurring disorders?

2. Working with addiction can be very challenging and stressful at times. Combine

addiction with a mental illness and the treatment and level of risk to the

individual becomes higher. How do you feel about working with addiction? Is it

something you hope to do, or something you know you are not interested in?

3. How are you going to handle it when you are working with someone with a co-

occurring disorder and they “let you down.” In other words, they may not take

their psychiatric medication and decompensate, they may relapse on their drug

of choice, or they may refuse treatment. I hear the term “He let me down” quite

a bit in the field, and it can be frustrating for treatment providers to watch.

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