reflection paper on video I Am Not Your Negro
April 24, 2021
April 24, 2021

4 forum responses

each of these responses should be at least 150 words.

In your response to your classmates, comment on the persuasiveness of your classmate’s speech – do not comment on whether or not you agree with the issue. Did this student follow the Rogerian format? Why or Why not?

Cite work please

Respond to them as if you were talking to them please.

Response 1. Alex

Today I would like to address to you the long debated topic of gun control laws. Across America, independent states have weak laws making it easy for felons and people with mental illnesses to own a gun. This has to change as gun related suicides and deaths have reached an all time high of over 38,500, according to the Gun Violence Archive in 2016. America needs to issue mandatory background check to reduce deaths. Now first let me tell you that I do not want to take away your right to bear arms. Gun ownership is an American tradition older than the country itself and is protected by the second amendment. Furthermore, I understand your right to privacy and how background checks require government databases to keep track of your personal information.

However, according to the Center for Disease Control, guns were the leading cause of death by homicides and suicides from 1999 to 2013. America is also 25.3 times higher in gun homicide rates and 8 times higher in gun suicide rates than other populous countries in 2010. These are factual numbers that need to be addressed before they get worse. I want to protect you from the people who aren’t mentally sound and pose risk to yourself and your families. I want to protect you from the violent criminals who need not to worry about background checks in order to purchase a gun. You may keep your guns but in exchange let the government issue mandatory background checks. We want to ensure that firearms are placed in the hands of those who are competent and qualified to handle such responsibilities. This is to ensure the safety of yourself and everyone else.

I have never used the Rogerian method before in my studies and this is the first class to introduce it to me. While I’m familiar with the process of understanding your opponent’s views and the saying, “Put yourself in someone’s shoes”, I can’t recall ever using this specific outline to persuade anyone. I would use this method in the future because I’m a big fan of this method. It shows compassion and understanding to the audience. If I were to persuade someone, I would naturally make sure their point of view is taken into consideration because that just feels like the right thing to do.

Response 2. Sarah

There are 6.5 million animals that are put into U.S. shelters every year and they are overflowing with many available animals that are ready to meet their forever home (ASPCA). Many people could ask why a shelter animal instead of a pure bred animal but the answer is in the question itself. Why pay a costly amount and have to wait on a breeder when there are many shelter animals that need a good home, have already been cleared by veterinarians, and families would not only be helping their communities by taking the strain off of the shelters but saving a life as well.

Pure bred animals can cost a lot depending on the breed and the breeder. Families would go through the process of finding a good breeder that is reputable but then would sometimes pay a high amount. Some breeders even put in the contract a clause to spay or neuter so that families would need to pay even more money to get this done. Along with finding a reputable breeder, many have long waiting lists for their litters so it could take time until a family gets to bring their animal home. Other families could find a less than reputable breeder but most times those animals come from a breeding mill that are usually in poor conditions without proper medical care.

Shelter animals are already available to get adopted. Most have undergone medical tests, been spayed/neutered, are updated on their shots and given the attention they need. They even go through a series of tests to see if they are compatible with other dogs, cats, and children. Most times, shelters will run specials waiving additional costs and fees to help get these animals a loving forever home. Adoption is simply cheaper. Most will even allow for families to bring in their other pets to see if they are compatible. Usually there is not a wait list and there are shelters in almost every town making it easier for families to drive to them and find the perfect addition to their family.

Families can still have the best of both worlds and adopt a pure bred animal. Many states have rescue groups for purebred animals and the American Kennel Club assists in gaining information about the rescue groups and helping families find a home for pure bred animals. These animals were given up to shelters that were then saved by respective rescue groups or given directly to the groups. There are usually no wait times but availability could be limited.

Purebred animals are costly and not overly time efficient in getting them. Adopting a pet means helping the community and giving an animal a second chance while also giving the family an opportunity to save an animals life.

Response 3. Steven

A national issue that matters to me is keeping hunting legal. I know it’s not exactly a hot topic of national issue, but hunters are constantly under attack with new legislation. We are either fighting to keep public lands public or trying to stop legislation that makes hunting more difficult. I understand the argument that killing animals can be seen as cruel. It is an unfortunate necessity if you want to partake in protein. Hunting wild animals that have no genetic mutations or filled with growth hormone injections, is far more humane than the corporate factory farming that goes on to feed millions of people cows, chickens and pigs. I believe the people who want to see hunting out lawed either don’t understand the immense effort that hunters put in to make a humane kill or don’t know the atrocities of factory farming. I would rather hunt my own organic wild meat, rather than use my money to support factory farming. Yes, I enjoy hunting, but when I harvest an animal there is always a humble sense of loss. I respect that animal far more than the slaughterhouse employees. people who oppose hunting I believe see hunters as drunk rednecks driving a truck and shooting at animals out the window. But most hunters are quite the opposite, putting a ton of time and effort to humanely harvest a wild animal.

Response 4. Renee

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Renee Wintemute and I am here to talk to you about smoking cigarettes. To smoke or not to smoke, that is the question. Today’s society, smoking has become less of the trendy thing to do. More people are concerned about the health risk to themselves and others that smoking causes and the price of a pack is constantly rising. When smoking around other people, you are not just harming yourself, you are creating an environment around you that puts everyone’s health at risk.

Having a smoking addiction is not only bad for your health but it is also bad for your wallet. You could take yourself on a nice retreat with the amount of money you would save not purchasing cigarettes for an entire year. Everyone deserves to take a break and go on vacation.

Being a person that has not had a cigarette in two years, I am speaking from experience. The urge to smoke always lingers; the daily habit you had to smoke after lunch; it all changes. In the end I felt like a brand-new person and I promise, you will feel like a brand-new person as well.

Have you used this style of argumentation before in your studies or career (either verbally or in past writing assignments/projects)? Will you use it in the future? Why or why not?

After the lesson I realized I have used this style of writing in the past. Mainly working out issues at home. I cannot say if I have used it at work in any form verbally or writing. I will probably try to start using this in the future because it does show that I have though about this issue at hand through and understand the opponents point of view instead of my own.

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