week 9 post 1 sociology
March 29, 2021
March 29, 2021

4 cases draft

These are instructions from the professor about the paper And i did a case study paper for this class also i need you to follow the same topic and research question: you can see the attached to get some information from my previous research.

my research question is why do some rich countries have strict air pollution than others ?

my hypothesis is that rich countries have more environmental law

units are the countries the i am going to choose 2 poor countries and 2 rich countries to compare

my independent variable( is how rich is the country )

the depandant varible is how small is the environmental laws.

  • Initial draft.
    Your paper must include, in this order:

    • research question
    • thesis statement
    • explanation of previous research
    • statement of hypothesis
    • at least 4 cases, each with complete descriptions of a dependent variable and independent variable
    • comparison of cases
    • conclusion

    I will not accept any paper that does not have properly-formatted, complete citations.

    • At least 4000 words, using at least 10 sources. Papers include a thesis statement, facts and logic that support the thesis, and a reference section. The thesis must be a non-normative, falsifiable statement with one dependent variable and at least one independent variable. You must cite at least 10 sources related to the research topic, including at least 3 scholarly scientific articles. Papers will be evaluated based on the the clarity of the question and thesis and based on the appropriate use of evidence, as well as on clarity of writing.explanation
    • Here is a suggestion: https://epi.envirocenter.yale.edu/ – this is a group that ranks and describes how well countries are doing on environmental laws and policy. It would also be easy to use this to compare across cases as well.
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