3 pages college in class essay that relate to the movie need to be almost perfect but looks like a college paper

June 9, 2021
June 9, 2021

3 pages college in class essay that relate to the movie need to be almost perfect but looks like a college paper

Here is the requirement: please make sure you meet all the requirement. Beside the quote from movie, make sure to have two quotes from listed reading.

Here is the link for the movie, I will pay for the 4 dollars.


In the “Author’s Note” of Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Katherine Boo discusses the conditions in the undercities of India that make apathy, selfishness, and even outright disregard for life as common as the garbage littering the slums, and asks, “How does that happen? How—to use Abdul’s formulation—do children intent on being ice become water?” (254). In other words, how do we lose our ethics, our morals, our humanity? And as we see the various individuals in Annawadi confront the challenges of the slum and rise to meet them in varying ways, ways that exaggerate and perhaps illuminate the choices people make and why they make them, we marvel with Boo that “some people are good, and that many try to be” (254). Yet it is so easy to gaze from across the globe at others and ponder the choices they make, while leaving our own decisions and lives unexamined. This is never truer than with the current fast fashion industry that everyone is a part of. If you now own, or ever have owned, a piece of clothing that you did not stitch, from material you did not make, from fibers you did not grow, you are part of the fashion industry, for better or worse. “So, what is wrong with that?” you may ask. And the answer would be, “Nothing,” unless you began to look more deeply into the true cost of the global fashion industry.Director of The True Cost, Andrew Morgan, allows us to do just that, to peek behind the curtain of the runway, the glossy ads of the clothing companies, and the promises of our apparel, and see the workers, the land, the water, and even our values damaged by that $5 shirt that was in one day and out the next. And in the film, we also see that familiar judgment being passed from one group to the next, never quite landing on a single party who will take responsibility for being part of the cause or part of the solution for this destruction.

Your Task: You will have 1 HOUR 50 MIN to craft a thesis-driven, argumentative essay in response to the following questions: Who or what is most responsible for the human rights and environmental violations occurring in the fast fashion industry? And who should assume the greatest responsibility in developing and implementing solutions?

Hints: The following are not required questions, but suggested avenues for investigation and consideration:

  • What are the true costs of fast fashion? Whose human rights are violated?
  • What other damages are done by the industry through the entire cycle of production including growth of crops, creation of fabrics, manufacturing of clothing, advertising, recycling, etc.
  • Who or what is responsible for each of these costs/problems?
  • How do these corporations, groups, individuals or conditions contribute to the problem?
  • What are the claims that fashion companies make regarding ethical practices?
  • What are the “voluntary codes of conduct” that companies use and are they effective?
  • What solutions are there to each of the costs/problems?
  • Who can contribute to these solutions?
  • What power does each group have to make these changes? What limitations or obstacles might they face?
  • How would you rank the responsibilities of the various groups? Is one more responsible than others?

Requirements: A strong essay will . . .

  • Open with a brief introduction paragraph which hooks the reader, sets up the topic, and correctly references the film.
  • Provide a focused thesis statement at the end of your introduction which clearly states your argument in response to the task above.
  • Categorize your ideas to organize and group your points.
  • Provide at least 3 well-developed, coherent PIE paragraphs (body paragraphs).
  • Clearly introduce, quote, paraphrase, detail and cite information from the film, the selected readings, the UDHR if applicable, and limited outside sources.
  • Briefly conclude by offering a direct proposal of your own for your readers.
  • Use MLA format.
  • Use clear, complex, and logical sentences.
  • Be carefully proofread for minimal sentence-level errors.


  • The True Cost, directed by Andrew Morgan
  • “Who Really Benefits from Sweatshops?” by David Wilson
  • “Sadly, Bangladesh Simply Cannot Afford Rich World Safety . . .” by Tim Worstall
  • “Sweatshops in Bangladesh Improve the Lives of their Workers . . .” by Benjamin Powell
  • “The Bangladesh Disaster and Corporate Social Responsibility” by Howard Husock
  • “How Women in the Fashion Industry Are Designing a Better World“ by Roshni Chengappa
  • “4 Years after Rana Plaza . . .” by Ashley Westerman (CR 73-78)
  • Optional Research into a clothing company
  • The UDHR
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