2 TEDTalks on Correlation and Data Analysis

due 12/3 100 words each question with references
March 1, 2021
March 1, 2021

2 TEDTalks on Correlation and Data Analysis


1-   WATCH: Robyn O’Brien – Patriotism on a Plate (18:42)


2-      WATCH: TED Talks: Richard Wilkinson: How economic inequality harms societies


How is Wilkinson using correlation??? Gives specific examples of the relationships Wilkinson is discussing and the point he is trying to make. Is this familiar data (to the average American? To the average graduate student? To your client?) ???? How does this affect you personally?? How does this affect you professionally??? Why is this study important (or is it)??? What about correlation and causation??? What will you do now that you have this information? (5 pts!!!!)


Thought about Robyn O’Brien’s data analysis style????????? Is this familiar data (to the average American? To the average graduate student? To your client or students?) ???? How does this affect you personally?? How does this affect you professionally??? Why is this study important (or is it)??? What about correlation and causation??? What will you do now that you have this information?

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