1200 page essay mla write an ACADEMIC essay on the “Guns and Violence in the USA.”

Discussion Question – VERY EASY
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021

1200 page essay mla write an ACADEMIC essay on the “Guns and Violence in the USA.”

Your submitted paper needs to include:

— Analysis of the essential content(s) and main ideas of your topic

— Provide your original interpretation and evaluation of your topic

— Thorough discussion of your paper’s theme(s), purpose, and significance

(the significance references for the reader what is important about your chosen subject;


— Proper documentation of sources used for your essay

— When appropriate, include a brief biographical sketch of the author(s)

— Proper citation, footnoting, and crediting of sources (MLA format)

— Proper Cover (I will outline in class)

Your essay format will be graded on the following:

◼ A thoughtful title

◼ Outline (see provided sample; also survey our Norton Handbook)

◼ Introduction with underlined thesis

◼ At least 3 media-design pictures to illustrate and illuminate your work

◼ At least five body paragraphs containing underlined topic sentences

and supporting examples and clear transitions

◼ At least three properly cited and integrated quotations

◼ Insight on role in the Civil Rights Movement (do not just repeat text)

◼ Creative expression (vocabulary and style)

◼ Strong Conclusion

◼ MLA Work Cited Page / Proper Cover (I will outline in class)

Suggestion of Sources for your paper

— Primary sources (interview, original documents, surveys,

compilation of statistical data)

— Secondary sources (books, journals, studies, magazines, newspapers)

— Academic Books [non-class texts]

— Electronic database articles

— Journals & periodicals articles

— Encyclopedia/Reference text

— Newspaper articles

Length: 1200 words

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