Write a 500-750-word analysis of your selected article. Include the following in your analysis:
April 29, 2021
Anyone like to do some work
April 29, 2021

1-2 page paper NO PLAGARISM

  1. Chapters 3 and 4 of Steger,Globalization: A Very Short Introduction.
  2. Vincent Ferraro’s, “Dependency Theory – An Introduction – 010029521-1.pdf Click for more options ,” in The Development Economics Reader, ed. Giorgio Secondi (London: Routledge, 2008), pp. 58-64
  3. Emory University, the Globalization Website, Globalization Theories: http://sociology.emory.edu/faculty/globalization/theories01.html

II. View the following media titles located in the Lectures and Presentations section of this module:

  1. Global Inequality Spelled Out in Poverty: https://youtu.be/8okjYJPWXBg
  2. Why Some Countries Are Rich…: https://youtu.be/9-4V3HR696k?list=PLEqf8pU7tcmYmM5mVt8GJXnFinIG45d0q
  3. Dependency Theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JN6LlMY2ApQ
  4. Dependency Theory in Sociology: Definition & Examples: http://study.com/academy/lesson/dependency-theory-in-sociology-definition-examples.html#lesson
  5. World Systems Theory, Dependency Theory, and Globalization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79gCqjl6ihQ

III. Contribute to the discussion thread: Dependency and the global social order

IV. Complete the following writing assignment and submit in the folder located in this module.This assignment has several parts:

  1. Complete the readings and watch the videos listed above. These readings and lectures are required for you to do the following research and writing.
  2. Research the concept of Where Am I Wearing, the title of a text written by Kelsey Timmerman about the global chain of clothing commodity. To do this, look at the tag of the clothing you are currently wearing. Write down the brand of your top layer (shirt, pants, sweater, or skirt) and the place where it was made. Repeat this for the clothing of 10 friends or family members. You may inspect their tags in person or ask them to send you a picture of the “made in” or “product of” tag. Write a post about your research in the Discussions forum on Theorizing Inequality and Poverty’s Role. You may post some images, if you have any, to the Discussion forum. Comment on at least one of your peers’ post(s), referring specifically to the reading assigned this week.
  3. Write a brief (1-2 page) paper analyzing the data you have collected about the sources of the clothing worn by you and your research subjects. Discuss any patterns observed in these data. Referring specifically to the reading and other media, state which specific propositions of the theories are relevant to the clothing data. Which theory is most salient?

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