​research paper from 6-8 pages,new resources.

June 10, 2021
June 10, 2021

​research paper from 6-8 pages,new resources.

research paper from 6-8 pages,new resources.

Compare between the two countries(SAUDI ARABIA and USA) in the economic policy development, and research their development: ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL

The topic of the book are:

1-introduction about what is international polititcal economy

2-managing the global economy since world warII:the institutional framework



5-critical perspective

6-international monetary realtions

7-finacial crises

8-globl trade relations

9-regionalism and the global trade regim

10-multinational corporation and global production

11- international development

12-current trends in the global political economy

the name of the class is international political economy

please do not use big words

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